
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Causes of Female Hair Loss

Your hair falls out? It must be very disturbing appearance. Sometimes we also ask, what is causing my hair loss? Apparently, if your hair fall out up to 100 strands per day, it is normal. Our hairs grow 3 to 4 years, then rest for 3 to 4 months and then grew again as a new hair. If your hairs fall out more than 100 strands per day, you need to be vigilant.

Here are some of the causes of female hair loss:

Androgenic alopecia, its hormone androgen as a cause of hair loss.
The hormone androgen is the cause of hair loss is generally experienced by many women. Androgenic alopecia is hair loss in women and men associated with the hormone androgen and genetic. Usually the hair will thin out and disappear in a clear pattern, starting from the top of the forehead and then extended to the rear. The hair on the sides and back of the head still remains. Pattern hair loss in women is different from male pattern baldness. In women, hair thinning also spread across the head, and rarely causes total baldness. In some women, they have started thinning at the age of 20's or 30's and pre menopause.

Difusa alopecia, hair loss due to certain drugs.
The use of high dose drugs, cancer drugs, thallium, vitamin A, and retinoids can cause hair loss. Lack of thyroid gland or pituitary gland, anemia, stress can also cause hair loss. Even baldness may arise during pregnancy. Hair loss usually occurs evenly on the head (not confined to any one place). In general, the hair will grow back after the cause disappeared.

Alopecia areata, hair loss due to auto immune.
This type of hair loss is the loss associated with auto-immune disease. Hair loss occurs suddenly at a certain place, either on the scalp or in other places like legs, eyebrows and eyelashes. Loss is often identified with a circle-like spots. Alopecia areata is usually temporary and the hair can grow back without treatment.

Degeneration of follicles, hair loss due to damage of hair follicles.
Rectification (Rebonding), hair dye, and the use of other chemicals on the scalp can be a negative effect on hair follicles in the scalp and cause hair loss.

If you know the causes of your hair loss, then you can solve your hair loss quickly and precisely. So you can anticipate from severe hair loss or permanent hair loss.