
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Causes and Solution to Large Pores on Face

There are several factors that can cause large pores on the face. Identify the cause, is the first step to determine the best solution for you.

Generally, woman with oily skin is easy to have large pores. It started when puberty which causes the oil glands are very productive. As a result, the oil that comes out will automatically create a larger pore size.

Causes and Solution Large pores on the Face

Shrink large pores can not be done drastically. We recommend that you identify the cause your large pores first, then find the right solution.

Here are the causes of large pores and the solution:

1. Genetic

In general, owners of large pores have an oily skin type. This is because sebaceous glands found in the skin to produce excessive oil (sebum). The amount of oil out through the pores of the skin causes the skin pores enlarged. Triggers the production of this excess fat is the hormone that is active in certain phases, such as adolescence or during pregnancy, and from the diet.

Note foods that can trigger production of excess oil production, each individual has a different reaction to certain foods. Unbalanced diet and too irregular can lead to disruption of hormone activity.

2. Cosmetics

The selection of cosmetics that are less precise, cosmetics that are too thick and oil-based can causes enlarged pores, because the skin pores closed so difficult to breathe. Natural solutions will be undertaken by the body is enlarged pore diameter, so skin can breathe and remain running activities.

Use water-based cosmetics, so do not add a thick layer of fat on the surface of the skin that lead to pore closure. Choose a facial soap and moisturizing products that contain Salicylic Acid, which is useful to prevent the buildup of oil and dirt in the pores of the face.

3. Dead skin cells

Dead skin cells accumulation on your face can lead to pores enlarge on your face. It can causing pore skin looks larger because of the layers of porous stopper.

There are several treatment options to get rid of dead skin cells from the face:

Skin peeling
Do scrubbing or peels every 2 weeks to remove dead skin found on the facial skin surface also use the mask to detoxification and reduction pore. For facial acne, do not do the scrubbing treatment and peeling because it will increase in the spread of acne and aggravate skin irritation.

Microdermabrasion is actually almost the same as exfoliating with a scrub, but it is a little more effective to shrink the pores. In this way erode the dead skin cells, thereby rejuvenating skins in total. You can do it in the clinic / beauty salon, or buy mikrodermabrasion equipment that can use at home.

Alpha and beta hydroxy acids
You can also follow the Alpha and beta hydroxy acids treatment. This could get into the skin layers deepest and prevent the buildup of dead skin cells. The use of alpha and beta hydroxy acids should only do by a beauty therapist.

Tretionoin, or Retin-A helps open clogged pores that once stripping. Working power
Retin-A helps accelerate the turnover of skin cells.

5. Keeping the facial cleanliness

Keeping the face clean is the key to prevent the enlarging of your pores are getting worse. Clean face regularly, in the morning, after traveling and when going to bed. During sleep the skin do detoxification naturally, most of which improve the body's biological activity
including the skin will work when you sleep.

So, there are several causes of large pores on the face. Know your skin problem, and then find the best solution.