
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Causes and Treatment of Itchy Scalp

Your scalp feels dry and itchy? That means you have some problem on your scalp. Know the cause and take steps to overcome them.

There are several factors that can cause dry and itchy scalp. It can make a person feel frustrated and scratching head continuously. Do something on your scalp, before you run into something worse such as hair loss and baldness.

Here are some of the causes of itchy scalp:

1. Wash with hot water
The habit of washing your hair with hot water can reduce the oil from the skin. This causes dryness of the scalp and eventually become itchy.

2. Dandruff
Dandruff is another cause which makes the scalp become itchy.

3. Health conditions
Certain medical conditions can also cause scalp itching, for example, people who suffer from skin disease psoriasis.

Overcoming Itching on the Scalp

Once you know the cause of itching on your scalp, began to find a solution. Here are the steps to cope with itching on the scalp:

- Avoid washing your hair with hot water, because it can remove the natural oils on the scalp. We recommend using cold water when washing hair.

- To cope with the itching on the scalp, use appropriate shampoo for the scalp such as dandruff shampoos. The content of this product will reduce the itching caused by dandruff.

- Use a hair mask also to address the problem of itching on the scalp. You can do it at the salon or at home.

- You can also use natural ingredients and herbal ingredients to cope with itching on the scalp.

Here are some natural ways to overcome itching on the scalp.

Olive oil
Massage scalp with olive oil that has been warmed. After a massage with olive oil, let sit for 20 minutes then wash with shampoo.

Cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can cope with a dry scalp. Clean your hair with cold water, and then stick apple vinegar on the scalp using cotton. Let stand about 10 minutes, and then wash hair with cold water.

Omega-3 fatty acids
Scalp condition also depends on what you consume. Increase consumption of omega-3 fatty acids, which can you can eat fish, avocado, or fish oil supplements.

Itchy scalp can disturb the appearance and social relations because of decreased self-confidence. So, find out the cause and do the treatment immediately.