
Friday, March 15, 2013

Cellulite Removal Cream

Cellulite on a particular body part, making a woman does not confidence. How to get rid of cellulite? Does cellulite removal cream work effectively?

The cause of cellulite

Did you know that cellulite is different from the stretch marks? Cellulite is the accumulation of fats on skin tissue and cause excessive skin surface appears uneven such as orange peel. While stretch marks are white lines often arise in the thigh, abdomen, arms, buttocks, calves, etc.

Unhealthy lifestyle is the main cause of the appearance of cellulite. In addition, some other factors is the lack of drinking water, never exercise, digestive problems, tension and stress, pollution, poor diet, and hormonal cycles.

Get rid of cellulite with cellulite removal cream

Trying to get rid of cellulite is probably one of the efforts that make women frustrated. One of methods to get rid of cellulite is to use a cellulite removal cream. But, is it effective? Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of cellulite removal cream.

The advantages of cellulite removal cream

1. It can be used to disguise cellulite on all parts of the body such as abdomen, thighs, hips, arms and buttocks.

2. Maintaining the skin that allows it to strengthen connective tissue. Connective tissue is responsible for the skin elastic, tight, and supple.

3. Regular use can prevent the formation of new cellulite.

4. Easy to use

The disadvantages of use cellulite removal cream:

1. Anti-cellulite cream does not give effect directly. It means that you must use product for certain period for maximum results.

2. If the anti-cellulite cream products are not suitable, it can cause skin irritation.

3. Some products do not contain enough elements to create effective creams. May
retinol and caffeine content is not sufficient.

The content of cellulite removal cream

One cellulite removal cream content is coffee or caffeine. Caffeine is considered able to improve blood circulation and also smooth the skin. Antioxidants in coffee can prevent premature aging, detoxification, and accelerate the exfoliation of skin cells dead. So the skin becomes brighter and softer.

In addition to caffeine, usually a cellulite removal cream contains L-carnitine. This is a
molecule such as vitamin that has several important roles in the body. Its main function is support the body to break down fat in the body.

Aloe Vera Extra
Olive oil is also regarded as a material that can get rid of cellulite. This may be one ingredient in an anti-cellulite product.

Examples of products cellulite removal cream

One product that offers a solution to cellulite problem is Revitol Cellulite Solution,
which sold for U.S. $ 10.99. For the best results, apply a layer of Revitol Cellulite
cream 1-3 times a day. It can easily do this while brushing teeth in the morning and reapply using the washroom or freshening up during the day.

Here are the Product Features

Helps Reduce the Appearance of Cellulite Dimples
Helps the appearance of skin on your thighs, legs and butt
Is Easy To Apply
Has No Residue or Bad Odor

There are many other anti-cellulite products. Instead, you do a little research before deciding on a cellulite removal cream product that you'll use.